Wendover to Ivinghoe

Wendover is an ideal starting point for a Chiltern walk along the Ridgeway as the train station is right in the town and the Ridgeway path is just a minutes walk from the platform. Its also a handy place to pick up any last minute supplies before the treck.

You will need the Chiltern Hills North Ordnance Survey Map number 181. The Ridgeway is well signposted but the map occasionally provides reassurance.

Leaving Wendover and following a steep climb above RAF Halton you will find the handy Cafe in the Woods at Wendover Woods (a short diversion off the Ridgeway) open 7 days a week.

From the highest point in the Chilterns the Ridgeway tracks across towards Tring, a comfortable and interesting place to stay in the Chilterns. Chiltern hotel accommodation in Tring town itself is somewhat limited to the Rose and Crown Hotel or the Pendley Manor just outside, though both are ideal stopping off points on the Ridgeway walk.

The Natural History Museum at Tring houses the renowned J Walter Rothschild collection and includes a section for local Chilterns wildlife. Entry is free.

Above Tring the Ridgeway crosses through Tring Park with its long ‘wild rides’ created for the Rothschilds carriage which was notoriously pulled by a team of zebras!

Tring Park
Tring Park

Managed by the Woodland Trust, Tring Park is open all year, free to visit and a great place for a picnic.

The walk down towards Tring station takes you through the Walter Swinburn Racing Stables and if you’re lucky the wonderful sight of the horses riding out.

Beyond Tring station lie the Duchie’s Piece and Aldbury Nowers Nature Reserves. From here to Ivinghoe Beacon is 3 miles of truly spectacular Chilterns walking as the Ridgeway undulates over chalk downland rising to a final breathtaking view from the summit of the Beacon.

The Ashridge Estate, a vast area of forest managed by the National Trust, is a very much recommended diversion off the Ridgeway.

The Brownlow Cafe at the Ashridge Estate
The Brownlow Cafe at the Ashridge Estate

On a visit to the Brownlow Cafe located at the Bridgewater Monument at the heart of Ashridge Forest walkers will find excellent refreshment including an amazing range of homemade cakes baked daily. In the forest look out for fallow deer as they leave the high tree line to graze in the open chalk meadows below.

Aldbury Village
Aldbury Village

Below Ashridge Forest lies the picturesque Chilterns village of Aldbury. Stop for a sitdown at the village green where you can still find the old stocks. A cup of tea or a nights rest will be equally welcome at the very charming Greyhound Inn at Aldbury.

From here a short walk takes you back to Tring station and the Ridgeway.